Choose the banner!

  • ✓ Click on the banner type you would like to advertise with us!
  • ✓ Click pe bannerul dorit!

*Click here to contact us for your enquiry regarding your online campaign if needed.
If you consider our prices to high, please get in touch with us. Please allow us 24 hours for an answer.

Dont have a banner?

Here is how to make one: create an account on chose from the variety of design banners you can find in your account then start personalising it. After you have finished, download the .Gif (recommended) version or the .Swf and send it to us. The type of banner you have to make for our website should be the "leaderboard (728x90)" and "medium rectangle (300x250)" or "square (250x250")" Click here for a video tutorial on how to create a free flash or animated gif banner.
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