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Hramul Parohiei Luton - The Feast of the Parish 20-21 June (Rom & Eng)

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Stockingstone Road, Luton, Luton LU2 7NB, UK

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Jun 20 at 00:00 - Jun 21 at 23:59
Event Summary
Praznuirea Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul si a Sfantului Alban "Veseli-se-va dreptul de Domnul şi va nădăjdui întru dânsul."
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Sâmbătă 20 iunie, ora 13:30- Pelerinaj la moaştele Sfântului Alban & Paraclisul Sfântului Alban. Locaţie: Catedrala din oraşul StAlbans, Post Code AL1 1BY.
ora 17:30 - Vecernia Hramului, Locaţie: St Christophers Church, Luton, LU2 7NB
ora 20:00 - Concert de muzică bizantină susţinut de membri ai Grupului Psaltic Byzantion, dirijat de Dl Adrian Sîrbu

Duminică 20 iunie, ora 11:30 - Ceasurile & Sfânta Liturghie Arhierească
ora 15:00 - Agapa
Locaţie: St Christophers Church, Luton, LU2 7NB

The Feast of St John the Baptist and
St Alban the Protomartyr
"The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree, and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied."

Saturday, 20th of June
13:30 - Pilgrimage to the Cathedral in St Albans: Venerating the relics of St Alban - meeting in front of the Cathedral (AL1 1BY)
17:30 - Vespers in St Christophers Church, Luton (LU2 7NB)
20:00 - Concert of Byzantine music, performed by members of Byzantion Choir from Iasi, Romania
21:00 - Buffet

Sunday 21st of June
11:30 - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy - the answers will be given by Byzantion Choir
15:00 - Buffet

These events are to take place at St Christopher's Church, Stockingstone Road, Luton, LU2 7NB (except the pilgrimage from Saturday at 13:30)
You are here: Evenimente Events Hramul Parohiei Luton - The Feast of the Parish 20-21 June (Rom & Eng)