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Job Description
We are looking for experienced drivers to represent our brand, promoting a high quality of customer care, hosting clients throughout their journey’s with Thriev. This is an essential position demanding a high level of expectation from drivers representing Thriev’s work ethic.

Drivers should be well presented, adaptable within the environment with good experience in a customer service role. Applicants must possess a valid PCO License as well as no more than 3 points on a UK Drivers License to be eligible for this position.

Thriev are offering a unique opportunity for applicants to join the team – get a guaranteed base earnings as well as revenue share, without the additional costs (of car leasing payments, insurance, fuel, maintenance) often enforced in similar positions. Applicants are supplied with a vehicle, insurance, fuel and maintenance – essentially all expenses are met by the company. Thriev realises that high quality drivers are our biggest asset and therefore aim to achieve satisfaction the positions we offer our drivers.

Key Requirements of Candidates
We want drivers who are able to share Thriev’s vision of revolutionising personal transport in London. The position is located in the West London area and therefore applicants from this area or commutable distances are preferable (SW1, W1)
• Minimum 21 years of age
• Valid PCO licence
• Maximum of 3 points on the licence

Contact details
Megan Mermin

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