Door to door sellers required

We are a leading Sales and Marketing Company in the Insulation industry
Working in partnership with a number of major names in the market.

Looking for confident, vibrant, tenacious and energetic sales people within our ever growing company.

Our customers are at the very heart of our operation so if you are hard working, have an excellent door step manner then we would love to hear from you.

Our requirement is for field work which will involve offering FREE Boiler, Cavity Wall & Loft Insulation to the domestic market.

This is a fantastic opportunity for hungry sales people to earn targeted basic minimum wage and uncapped commission.

There is also an opportunity to progress and grow within the organisation.

The working hours are flexible. We are looking for Full time, Part time and Casual Workers.

For the above role experience in this sector would be an advantage but not essential as full training will be provided to each successful candidate.

This is also a good opportunity for fresh starters. For E.g. If you have just finished studying at college.

At present the recruitment process is taking place.

CALL: 075 8669 2059 for further details.

Contact details
E17 6JP
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