Romanian gypsies beggars get free flight home

COPS rounded up 63 Romanian beggars yesterday — and handed out FREE flights home. Police and immigration officials swooped at 4am on the squalid camp of Roma gypsies sleeping rough in London’s posh Park Lane. The gang — dossed down on the West End road’s central reservation — were herded to a mobile police station set up at nearby Marble Arch. They were quizzed over their immigration status — and offered free tickets if they left immediately. Twenty one took up the taxpayer-funded flights and were bussed to Heathrow — along with 17 who had the cash to pay for their own tickets. A seat on a British Airways flight from the West London airport to Bucharest yesterday would have cost £323. One on a Wizz Air plane from Luton would have come to £240. Last night the Home Office said: “The flights are being paid for by the Home Office. “It is much cheaper than detaining someone.” Home Secretary Theresa May has pledged to crack down on immigration abuse, The beggars who refused to go were issued enforcement notices ordering them to leave the country within 30 days. Theresa May Immigration boss ... Theresa May Paul Wylie, head of immigration enforcement in London, said: “They have to leave within 30 days or we will arrest and detain them, put them on a flight and force them out of the country. We are offering them the ability to go voluntarily this afternoon.” About 40 police, immigration officers and council staff took part in the dawn raid, which was launched to target begging and rough sleeping. Romanian travellers have been blighting the area with a huge rise in street crime such as pickpocketing. Chief Inspector Louise Puddefoot, of the Met Police, said: “We joined with immigration enforcement and they are running checks on them.” American tourist Christopher Walker, 29, from New York, said: “Seeing groups of homeless people lounging around where so many tourists like to come was not my idea of London. “I’m glad they are being sent home.” Last night Westminster council launched a massive clean-up operation at the site, opposite some of the most exclusive properties in London Sourse: The Sun

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